From local to global
Who we are
Why Trendon


Who we are

Living in the republic of globalisation, we came to realise that very few Greek products occupy the place they deserve on the global market map. We also found that the Greek market can accommodate innovative imports.

With extensive experience in importing, marketing and branding, we created Trendon to do just that! To give products and brands the opportunity, the passport, they deserve. To become their voice, their ambassadors, in other markets. To assure them special positions in window displays and the hearts of consumers in other places.

Borders imply limits. But why limit possibilities?


Why Trendon?

At Trendon you will find the strategic partner for your outward-oriented trade. Exporting is a complex business and requires special expertise, thorough study, a clear strategy, and sound knowledge of each market environment.

As an export development and management company, Trendon will show you the fastest and safest way to get there! With a measurable plan, a clear strategy, and a thorough knowledge of the market landscape that will enable you to avoid the obstacles that cost time and money and achieve targeted exports.

At the same time, Trendon also uses its strong and integrated distribution network, and familiarity with the Greek market to import and manage exceptional products, always based on careful research and rigorous selection of only the finest products.


With a particular focus on Arab markets and a keen interest in many others, Trendon opens the door for your brand and establishes its prominence, strengthening its identity through marketing strategies and partnerships with select, specialised distribution networks.

Different cultures and customs, differences in product distribution systems and the particularities of the local competitive climate are some of the factors that play a role in the penetration of a foreign market and the shaping of your final export strategy. For some, these are pitfalls. For us, they are a source of inspiration! The aim is to make your brand a household name and a local habit without altering its identity, and so securing stable acceptance and performance.

Trendon is the catalyst that will enable you to achieve your goal without getting lost in labyrinths and minefields. Trendon gives your products a passport to first class travel throughout the Middle East and in every market around the globe. Trendon guarantees and ensures them the best positions in the best windows, adding value, strength and reliability to your brand.

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5 Ionos Dragoumi str.
54625 Thessaloniki, Greece
Tel. +30 2310 520975




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